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Suggestion for AEISA Profile


AEISA History
AEISA is a non-profit educational organisation which was derived from the successful of 4 consecutive years of EIS Program (English for Integrated Study). The ASEAN English Integrated Study Association (AEISA) was first announced on October 21st, 2016 in Rayongwittayakom School in order to widen the innovation beyond the ASEAN Nations.
The first EIS project is ASEAN Youth Camp was introduced by Dr. Kitiporn Intasida held on 2013 in Kamalasai School, Kalasin Province, Thailand. The previous aims of gathering and immersing students and teachers from several countries to emphasize the use of English was prolonged and turned exclusively into greater vision of developing students and teachers in total.
Nowadays AEISA which represented by the secretariat of Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam is aggressively promoting the idea and encouraging other country to participate in developing great future leaders.

AEISA Philosophy
Education for children is a partnership among educators, parents and the community. The AEISA community provides learning opportunities for members in ASEAN and beyond, to encourage (or satisfy) their desire for learning through the development of moral, intellectual, physical, social-emotional and aesthetic purviews, and to enable them to develop well in a competitive globalised world.

AEISA Core Values
We believe in treating the community with respect and faith that help shape our members for the future by building a strong fraternity, deepening our expertise, and through forging partnership with education communities, for the growth and well-being of our students and teachers.

AEISA Vision
Leading and inspiring our students to believe in themselves and to achieve better success in life.

AEISA Mission Statement
Nurturing our members for the future to make a difference in their life by inspiring their learning, instilling knowledge in them, and strengthening communities in ASEAN and beyond, so as to prepare them for taking on challenges of the future.

AEISA Executive Approach
1. Innovate and Enhance teaching and learning Skills.
2. Strategic Collaboration with higher education Institution, University and Multinational Company.
3. Expertise Transfer and knowledge sharing about new innovation, approach and excellent achievement methodology.
4. Community Care between members’ countries and beyond.

AEISA Execution Strategies
1. Engaging students and teachers through annual AYC events.
2. Enhancing teacher’s expertise in the annual conference.
3. Building up fund to assist people in need.
4. Collaborating with multi-national organizations to increase world-recognition of the association and gaining support.
5. Advancing students’ and teachers’ cognitive
activities through innovations and competitions.
6. Providing members with latest technology for innovations and instilling in them the flexibility to readily adapt to the changing technology.
7. Exchanging special expertise and knowledge by sharing learning with others.
8. Promoting and sharing diverse community beliefs, culture and backgrounds to induce self-esteem and national pride.
9. Enhancing awareness of English throughout all events to increase the opportunities for students and teachers to communicate and use English.
10. Collaborating with the universities and corporate companies to acquire the furthering study opportunities and scholarships.



The Basic Definition
AEISA is driving the world towards Excellence.

The Colours
We're creative and friendly in delivering our missions among youth and others.
The world may trust on our professionalism in managing and delivering our promise.
Our spirit in achieving goals grows perpetually.
The prospective future leaders are clean and healthy in all aspects.
Equivalence and balance among 5 core elements.

The Objects

Non-fixed dotted shape
Representing the AEISA target students and teachers who have different education, families, beliefs, economy and ethnic backgrounds worldwide.

Abstract Image
The growing plant shows that we are inspiring the youth to go beyond any age limits besides the Bird sculptured is our hope that all of us may freely fly high once the goals were achieved.

Blocked Letter
The thickness of our hearts and souls to counter any problems and issues in order to deliver the AEISA Vision.

Double ‘A' show upward Arrow
We are aiming for A’s in everything we do and keep on striving for a better level.

‘EIS' in the middle
“English for Integrated Study” is our first priority.

‘+' replaced the T for FUTURE
Representing several member countries which have the same philosophy and support AEISA vision.

3D Globe
The concepts of EIS will be applied worldwide to merge the members together.

AEISA Organisation Chart

AEISA Secretariats' Organisation Chart

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